Sunday, February 8, 2009

Vulcan Park Birmingham, AL

Yesterday we went to Vulcan Park up in Birmingham with our good friends Jim, Kelly and Kira. We had a really good time but it was windy and a little chilly. (for everyone but me who is still sick so it was cold) Anyway, the park (small but pretty) sits up on a small mountain and overlooks the city. We not only were able to see the city from the overlook but we were also able to go up the statue and look from there. Ben and Kira took the stairs down while the rest of us were too lazy and rode the elevator. :)

The park and museum are for the steel manufacturing that used to be done in Birmingham.

Picture of My Belly

Finally, here is a picture of my belly. Ok, maybe I am not as HUGE as I thought I was.

Botanical Gardens Birmingham, AL

Back in January we went to the garden in Birmingham. There weren't a whole lot of flowers in bloom but it was a nice walk. As you can tell it was pretty warm here. Here are a couple of pictures.